Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Rochester Marathon

We went to cheer for our friend, "Q", at about the halfway point of the Rochester Marathon this morning. The first video clip is the lead group at halfway. The runner who was in second place at this point went on to win. Not surprising.

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David F

Random Things I Saw Today

The things a day of Ingress play will bring to my attention: Heading out this morning, to clean the green out of the neighborhood. There's a girl sprawled on porch roof of her house, lying on her stomach, talking to a friend just inside the second…

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David F

Clock is to Jail as Nuclear Reactor is to ...?

Yesterday I wrote a note about Ahmed Mohamed, this 14-year-old kid, who built a digital clock and got arrested for his trouble. The Irving, TX police somehow retained enough instinct of self-preservation not to file any charges after all, but Ahmed remained suspended from school…

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David F

President Obama Gets It

Here you can read the story of how 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed got arrested for being a geek. Well, he was also being Muslim, brown and in Texas, so really, being a geek was probably not required. Ahmed made a digital clock and brought it to school…

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