Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Pre-Crime Goes Live

Nope, we're not talking about "The Minority Report", the superb Phillip K Dick story, nor Minority Report the not-so-bad Tom Cruise film, nor even Minority Report, the aggressively adequate TV series. No, we now have police departments around the country who claim with a straight…

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David F

Slavery Comes in Several Forms

Every GOP policy on social or women's issues boils down to this: Fear and fake religion are the excuses they offer. But what they really want out of it is cheap labor. People who say that the Civil War wasn't about slavery but about economics…

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David F

I Know They Have a Script...

...but a mind -- or the liberty to use theirsĀ -- would be nice. Online customer service chat transcript from today: 02:45 AM PDT Laxmi: Hello, my name is Laxmi. I'm here to help you today. 02:45 AM PDT David C Frier: hi 02:46 AM PDT…

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David F


A printer wanted to sell one of his presses. He sat up all night making calculations, present-values, loan payoffs, costs for the new press to replace the one he was selling, sales projections optimistic, pessimistic and realistic: the works. He had a meeting with a…

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David F

When is Satire not Satire?

I love Tom Tomorrow. If you haven't seen his weekly strip, This Modern World, you are missing out. But here's my problem with Tom and other cartoonists working this beat: is it still satire when all it does is report the situation, without embellishment, without…

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