President Obama Gets It

Here you can read the story of how 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed got arrested for being a geek.  Well, he was also being Muslim, brown and in Texas, so really, being a geek was probably not required.

Ahmed made a digital clock and brought it to school to show his engineering teacher.  That teacher wisely advised him not to show it to any other teachers.  Because of course, to a bunch of ignorant crackers in Irving, Texas, what would a brown Muslim kid build that has a digital display other than a bomb?  Obviously!  [where's that Sarcasm font when you need it? --DCF]

Unfortunately, the clock started beeping in his bag during another class.  When that teacher saw it, she freaked RIGHT the hell out, and called the school police.  Ahmed was handcuffed, arrested, charged with being brown and Muslim (only they called it, "making a hoax bomb"), and suspended from school for three days.

Well, the story blew up on the 'net.  That's not always a good thing but this time it is.  This morning, President Obama tweeted:


This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F