David F

David F (2031)


The post today is over at Safer Computing - Information Security for Humans. It's about how the darling platform of the pandemic has slouched itself over to the dark side.

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Rethuglican Talking Points

As I have iterated many times, this is poor #parody because it's far too close to what they are actually saying. Yes, these guys say the quiet parts out loud, but Rethuglicans do that more and more IRL, also. Like "those people." And that's just…

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Ah, Florida. As you may have seen from an even more recent development in Florida Fact Finding, all of human psychology is much less complex than originally thought, and those imaginary states of being non-Cis and non-Hetero can safely be ignored in psychology curricula. I…

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How I'm Doing Stocks These Days

Preface and disclaimer: This blog entry is something I have never attempted before, treating a personal finance topic. I am not and never have been a financial adviser of any stripe, nor have I ever offered any financial advice to anyone in a professional capacity.

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