Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

It's a Start

Suppose you are a member of the dominant, privileged group in your society. Straight Christian white men would be the intersection of the Big Four, at least here in the US (not that there aren't more). And suppose I hear your whining about something that inconveniences…

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David F

1K Days

Cory Doctorow blogged recently about a "D10K party" that he and his friends had when he'd been alive for 10,000 days. Taking this as an inspiration, I calculated my 1K "birthdays" since I was born. When I sat back, it looked to me like a…

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David F

Sweet Time of Year

It's Rosh Hashana by the time you read this. Jewish tradition has the menu shift to all manner of sweet things as a portent of a sweet year to come. One of my favorites is a traditional Honeycake. My grandmother brought this recipe with her…

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David F

Webster - Where... what?

I am sure the people who made the decision to put this wherever you enter the village of Webster, NY meant well. Surely they had no intention to imply that anywhere else life is so dismal that, well, why go on? But it turns out,…

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David F

A Tacit Admission?

In this follow-up to Pen-Gate, Android Community reports that a victim of the design flaw was given a free repair of his Note 5: I still say it's a design flaw and I say now Samsung appears to agree, at least tacitly.

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