Updating Where to Find Me

Almost four years ago, I wrote about how to find me on social media. Now, with Google+ closing, it's definitely time for an update.

I feel an urgency to write this update, but I also feel it's premature. I have not finalized my social media mix going forward from here. I was content to have all those eggs in one G+ basket, and it's feeling like a betrayal to have that yanked away now. But the scattering of G+ denizens that is coming seems impossible to comprehend. It's overwhelming.

Still, one thing is for sure: I am not going back to Facebook.

So I was wanting to provide this update, and not wanting to at the same time. I worried that within a week, I would add or subtract something important and then have to do it all over again.Bleh. But this morning, I stumbled across something fun: wheretofind.me. This is an easy to use service that does what it says on the tin: tells anyone who looks where to find you.

If I add a subreddit or three... or decide Plusporais really for the birds... I will just update the info there. Even if I get back on LinkedIn (which could happen!) it will be posted there. Now I just have to make that my URL everywhere.

Gert's opinion of change is perfectly expressed in that glare.
This GPOMC brought to you by dislike of change.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F