They sang WHAT?

Now I am normally a "vote blue, no matter who" kinda guy.

House Democrats sang God Bless America on the Capitol steps as the chants of protesters could be heard from Supreme Court after the Roe v Wade decision.

Yeah... so that happened. Tone deaf doesn't even scratch the surface of this. This is what the Democrats in Congress do while a secular, diverse political order is nuked to make way for a Christo-fascist regime. Fuck these people. Never getting another vote or campaign dollar from me.

From Roe v. Wade to the latest rulings on Miranda rights, mandatory school prayer, and mandatory funding of religious schools from public money, this court is coming to tear down every single instance of individual rights INCLUDING the 1st Amendment.

Except, of course, the Holy Second. Just as Jesus taught it, in the Sermon on the Mount. I am sure. That will be the last "right" standing: then the fascist regime will come for them too.

I hope to be gone before it gets to that point.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F