Tech To-Do List

My home tech to-do list (in no particular order)

  • Network Zones: I would like three segregated network zones in our home LAN.  One for our general purpose computers, one for our Android and BlackBerry devices, and one for our printers and connected entertainment boxes (Roku, TiVo, etc.).  There does need to be some traffic between them, however; at least the computers need to be able to communicate with the printers. I have at my disposal for this an ASUS WiFi router and a TP-Link managed switch.  I may also soon add...
  • A UTM device in front of our Internet connection.  That ASUS router is currently connected straight to the DOCSIS 3 cable modem, and doing boundary duty as well as all its internal responsibilities.  I am considering Sophos Free Home UTM, and pfSense.  I have purchased the Intel Atom D2500 for the hardware base.  This will probably handle the Sophos - if not, pfSense will be no challenge to it, for sure.
  • Need to find a way to set up a group of Raspberry Pi units with USB DVD drives to bulk-rip all our movie and TV DVDs into a format that Plex or Serviio will serve.  This is a living-space-placement issue as well as a tech challenge because cats.
  • We have a Sony Bravia TV and a BD player/receiver combo that do a nice job of switching the sound to our 5.1 speakers... some of the time.  The receiver also has a bunch of streaming applications that are now mostly duplicated on other devices.  So I think it might be time to replace the BD-Receiver.  Anyone who knows of a non-Sony device that does "Bravia sync" please comment.  I'm willing to put in two devices here only if absolutely necessary.
  • I am trying out SpiceWorks for a combination of ticketing and monitoring but I'm leery of giving an online service the amount of internal access and authentication that a monitoring system does need.  If anyone knows of a similar facility I could stand up and host internally, shout it out.
There are probably more but they are all much lower priority.  In fact, the priority is so low I can't think of them now.  This is why I need a ticketing system.