geeky (16)

David F

DBAs take on Marriage Equality, or The Y2Gay Problem

A geekily-hilarious but also serious treatment of one of the least bigoted objections to the Marriage Equality decision of last Friday: the database administrators of the world now have hell to pay. Excerpt: humans- id- forename- surname- birthdate- sex_id (foreign key references column sexes)marriages- id-…

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David F

Biometrics Are NOT Passwords, Dammit!

Today in Stupid Extensions of Biometric Authentication: this item from Sophos. Brainprints will apparently be the new fingerprints. Here is what the press (and from the looks of it, half the security industry) seems unable or unwilling to get: you cannot change your biometrics. You…

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David F

Day Against DRM

"Digital Rights Management" is one of those things that sounds so benign.  Like "Patriot Act".  In fact, DRM is a willful effort to make sure that your computer is not really your property, and that legitimate uses of it are under control of the corporations…

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