security (20)

David F

Back Doors are for Bad Guys

The UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, says he's going to ban strong encryption within his country. Somehow this is going to make everyone safe from terrorists. I have some questions: When that notoriously left-wing publication, Forbes, caught up with Internet security expert Bruce Schneier for his…

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David F

Do you own your car?

Or does GM? I'm not referring here to leasing vs. buying. I am referring to the fact that GM has recently declared that only mechanics they license are allowed to work on "your" car. And if you take it to another mechanic, or use less-expensive…

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David F


Wireless Car Locks are designed for convenience.  Yours, and also car thieves'. In this NYT story, the author describes why he now keeps his car keys in the freezer: He's now using the freezer as a Faraday cage to prevent this - his Prius had…

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