IT (11)

David F

DBAs take on Marriage Equality, or The Y2Gay Problem

A geekily-hilarious but also serious treatment of one of the least bigoted objections to the Marriage Equality decision of last Friday: the database administrators of the world now have hell to pay. Excerpt: humans- id- forename- surname- birthdate- sex_id (foreign key references column sexes)marriages- id-…

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David F

Security is a Pain

I set out this weekend to figure out how to get PRTG Network Monitor to tell me the Internet bandwidth being used by our various machines, and where on the internet all that data is coming from or going to.  In order to get that…

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David F

How I Choose Toys

As you may have guessed, my toys are mostly pretty techie.  So I hear you ask, David, how do you choose your gadgets?  Well, absolutely free and worth the price, here is my advice for how to select a great value in a great gadget.

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