snark (27)

David F

American Insecurity Photo Gallery

Part I: Rock out with your Glock out Part II: Flags. So. Many. Flags. Part III: Personal Transportation Part IV: American Theology   Ceci n'est pas homoérotique

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David F

Government Provolone

Republicans blame the poor for being poor.  After creating income inequality unprecedented outside of feudal societies, the Wisconsin GOP legislature wants to institute a bunch of restrictions on what people can buy with their food assistance. No fresh Mozz for teh poors!  That's what you…

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David F

What's Freedom of Speech Worth?

"It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that sting." --Apologies to Duke Ellington. It's a truism that if it does not protect offensive speech by offensive people, freedom of speech is trivial. What happened when Islamophobic bigot Pam Geller organized a "Mohammed Cartoon…

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