snark (27)

David F

Bobby Jindal Better Be Careful What He Wishes For

Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, wants to be sure that we understand: bigotry and appeals to the lowest common denominator are the rock-solid foundation of his political career. In a NY Times Op-Ed he wanted those Commie, atheistic, libtard corporations like Cummins Engine to know…

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David F

Sony: The Gift that Keeps On Giving

As you may recall, late last fall, Sony Pictures Entertainment acknowledged that their entire IT infrastructure had been severely breached.  At the time, the attackers were announced to be the North Koreans.  But serious analysis absent political axes to grind has put that conclusion in…

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David F

"It's all part of God's plan"

"It's all part of God's plan" is something I have heard religious people say to people who have just suffered some very negative life event. Anything from a bad breakup, to a fire or other disaster, all the way to the death of a family…

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David F

"I will pray for you"

I casually posted a meme about the complete lack of efficacy of prayer. A Christian promptly commented, "I will pray for you."  When I averred that I hoped he was joking, he told me, "You DO realize Athiests are just as passionate about their Lack…

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