snark (27)

David F

Jeb! The Donald! Notes from the Clown Car

Notes from the Republican clown car... or as they like to think of it, presidential campaign. Jeb Bush has been running for the office ever since he noticed that his brother W (for "Worst-ever") did not actually get indicted for treason.  But he's afraid that people…

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David F

Divorce and Rolling Coal

So there's this Australian couple who have let it be known that if Australia becomes a civilized place where any two people regardless of gender can get married, they will get a divorce.  That's right - if civil marriage in Oz can't conform to their religious ideas…

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David F

Do you own your car?

Or does GM? I'm not referring here to leasing vs. buying. I am referring to the fact that GM has recently declared that only mechanics they license are allowed to work on "your" car. And if you take it to another mechanic, or use less-expensive…

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David F

We Are Secure Website Developers

We website developers put up with a lot from those security folks.  We're constantly hearing them nag us to do boring things like scrub inputs to prevent SQL injection flaws.  Enforce up-to-date encryption standards.  Quit putting auth tokens into URLs.  All of these things would…

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David F

Biometrics Are NOT Passwords, Dammit!

Today in Stupid Extensions of Biometric Authentication: this item from Sophos. Brainprints will apparently be the new fingerprints. Here is what the press (and from the looks of it, half the security industry) seems unable or unwilling to get: you cannot change your biometrics. You…

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