Divorce and Rolling Coal

So there's this Australian couple who have let it be known that if Australia becomes a civilized place where any two people regardless of gender can get married, they will get a divorce.  That's right - if civil marriage in Oz can't conform to their religious ideas then they want no part of it.

If this brings to mind images of toddlers throwing temper tantrums and holding their breath until they turn blue, I think you are being unfair.  To toddlers.

I love that they open their position statement with, "As Christians..."  That always reminds me of Bill Maher's famous take: they think we're hearing that they have the moral high ground, but what we're really hearing is that they have a neurological disorder.

For some reason it also reminded me of the "Rolling Coal" idiots in the heartland of the USA.  You may have seen these guys riding around in hideously oversized diesel trucks that have had their engines specially damaged tuned to produce inky black exhaust.

This is (are you sitting down?) their way of protesting against the existence of hybrids and electric vehicles.  Protesting against other drivers trying not to destroy the environment.

If these assorted morons really wish to damage themselves because the human race is making social progress, I wish they would try harder not to harm others in the process.  And I also wish they would be more efficient about it.