Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

First-Person Shooter

Wow. Another shooting, this time on the air. It's no big deal. The debate on guns in this country ended on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Once we decided that the right of any putz to buy all the guns he wants was more important…

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David F

My Best MP3 Player

Many people have now included "music player" with the other things they have delegated to their phones to do. I've tried this, but it's not for me. My phone is a busy little thing, and all those boops and bings and bongs it emits mean…

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David F

Persecution Fantasies

Christians in America will tell you that they are persecuted. Here are some of the ways in which pervasive persecution of Presbyterians and Pentecostals is perpetrated and perpetuated. For these people, freedom of religion is only fulfilled by everyone in the public sphere remaining docile…

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David F

Phoning it In

I don't always write a gem. Sometimes I "phone it in." I admit this. My goal is to post every day, not to post only when it's a five-star masterpiece. Besides, one person's five-star is someone else's meh, 2/10, would not read again. I kind…

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