Persecution Fantasies

Christians in America will tell you that they are persecuted.  Here are some of the ways in which pervasive persecution of Presbyterians and Pentecostals is perpetrated and perpetuated.

  • Many howls of outrage after a Mississippi public high school complied with a court order that its marching band not play, "How Great Thou Art." (story)
  • A joke meme (below) garners serious-sounding accusations of blasphemy and abuse. (link)

  • Public businesses claiming their religious preferences may be imposed on members of the public, and/or employees regardless of the beliefs of those others (Hobby Lobby, bakeries everywhere, etc., ad nauseam).

For these people, freedom of religion is only fulfilled by everyone in the public sphere remaining docile as the majority religion is favored.

The line between this and "persecution" is hundreds of miles wide.  It's something of a mystery to me as to why so many can't see that.  One hypothesis is, since Christianity is a cult of suffering and death, perhaps its adherents are just aching to fulfill its gestalt as completely as possible?

Or it could be that the privilege is so thick they can't see anything from inside that cloud.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F