Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Liberty and Security

A thought for today and for the future Yesterday I wrote about why there will always be strong encryption. Encryption is only a technology - it can enhance both security and liberty, and it can damage both. The more potential it has to enable criminals…

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David F

There Will Always be Strong Encryption

Pretty optimistic for me, you might think. But I think it's inevitable. In the constant information-security arms race between attackers and defenders, attackers are said to have the upper hand. After all, attackers only need to be right (or get lucky) once, while defenders have…

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David F

Eight minutes

Nyquist, winning, like everyone said. Rob Carr/Getty Images For about 8 minutes each year, we are completely absorbed fans of horse-racing. That's right, we watch the Triple Crown races and that's about it. This year Jill picked some horses to wheel into a trifecta bet, then it…

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