Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Mint->Debian Migration

Once I decided I was quitting Mint, I saw no reason to get sentimental about it or procrastinate. I did the heavy lifting this past Sunday, and now I am in the yak-shaving stage. AKA the fun part. It's revelatory, how so many of the things I…

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David F

Star Wars Day

I plan to buy this as soon as it drops, right after Memorial Day. Here... have a preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tytduSDgAs May the Fourth be with you!

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David F

Data Breaches Happen to Everyone

The question is, how will you respond? Verizon just released its annual, much anticipated Data Breach Report (at least peruse the executive summary if not the full report). This year they had a close-to-home item for their report: their own data breach, which resulted in the leak of…

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David F

Loyalty Day

May Day has been a spring holiday in the Northern Hemisphere for hundreds of years. Beltane, dance around the Maypole, Queen of the May, all embedded in our cultural memories. At least those of us who grew up in any European-based tradition. Then in the…

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