bizarre (14)

David F

Hecies and Shecies

Once again, a bit o'genius from  Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal No doubt this piece was inspired at least in part by the current phenomenon called, "Men Going Their Own Way" (just Google MGTOW  if you have time for a cry).  This is an outgrowth of…

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David F

Jeb! The Donald! Notes from the Clown Car

Notes from the Republican clown car... or as they like to think of it, presidential campaign. Jeb Bush has been running for the office ever since he noticed that his brother W (for "Worst-ever") did not actually get indicted for treason.  But he's afraid that people…

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David F

Pebble in the Park

Someone left this on the picnic table where I ate lunch today, in Washington Square Park. I hope this is the output of an attempt to truly spread a random positive message and not a specific targeted one.  I would hate to think it's some…

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David F

Divorce and Rolling Coal

So there's this Australian couple who have let it be known that if Australia becomes a civilized place where any two people regardless of gender can get married, they will get a divorce.  That's right - if civil marriage in Oz can't conform to their religious ideas…

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David F

Ann Coulter - Prankster

There's simply no way Ann Coulter truly, sincerely believes all the insane garbage she spews.  It has to be some kind of massive prank, or a bet, or a bizarre tontine of... ludicrous hateful statements, maybe? Anyway the latest flood of her verbal sewage suggests that…

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