right-wing (32)

David F

Back Doors are for Bad Guys

The UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, says he's going to ban strong encryption within his country. Somehow this is going to make everyone safe from terrorists. I have some questions: When that notoriously left-wing publication, Forbes, caught up with Internet security expert Bruce Schneier for his…

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David F

Good Slave-Owners

A little bit of a disturbing story by Margaret Biser on Vox about her experiences as a tour guide on a former slave-owning plantation. Even visitors to a plantation famous for how slaves built it and operated it don't want to hear about how slavery was not…

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David F

Why Conservatives REALLY Hate Marriage Equality

During the whole debate and the progress of the various legal cases, conservatives argued incessantly that gay marriage would damage if not destroy straight marriage. Obviously this is not true, but unless we assume that they are all drooling morons, why would they keep saying…

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David F

Law of the Land?

A Supreme Court decision is the Law of the Land, unless Christian bigots dislike what the court says. The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, probably doesn't really give a damn who marries whom.  But he's no stranger to what works in Texas politics, and…

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