Masculinity (15)

David F

Hecies and Shecies

Once again, a bit o'genius from  Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal No doubt this piece was inspired at least in part by the current phenomenon called, "Men Going Their Own Way" (just Google MGTOW  if you have time for a cry).  This is an outgrowth of…

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David F

Divorce and Rolling Coal

So there's this Australian couple who have let it be known that if Australia becomes a civilized place where any two people regardless of gender can get married, they will get a divorce.  That's right - if civil marriage in Oz can't conform to their religious ideas…

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David F

Wear Orange!

Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  I am wearing orange to mark it. The NRA promotes gun ownership and "open carry" idiocy as a response to what it calls "culture war."  Make no mistake, what it means by "culture war" is: non-whites. Watch this…

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David F

American Insecurity Photo Gallery

Part I: Rock out with your Glock out Part II: Flags. So. Many. Flags. Part III: Personal Transportation Part IV: American Theology   Ceci n'est pas homoérotique

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David F

Pre-Paid Patriotism

While we know that a volunteer military has to advertise to gain recruits, advertising is usually identifiable as such.  But team outpourings of patriotic fervor: the "hometown hero" demonstrations on the fields before and during games, the flyovers, the hilariously large flags and so on...

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