right-wing (32)

David F

The Business Model of NSA Apologists

Mark Felt, in his Deep Throat incarnation, told Woodward, "follow the money."  Woodward paid attention to this should-be-obvious advice and the Nixon presidency was cooked. Today, the biggest inside-out rot comes from the NSA, the CIA, and their unlimited surveillance feeding codependency with paranoia about…

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David F

In Touch with Reality

+Citizens Fed Up posted this meme, and asked, "How can these Republican Candidates be so out of touch with reality??" The answer is, they are not out of touch with reality.  They are in touch with this reality: their only remaining constituency (not counting billionaires and…

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David F

Ho-hum, Another Mass Shooting

Nine dead inside a black church in Charleston, SC when a white twenty-something walked in and opened fire in what even a South Carolina police spokesman is calling a "hate crime."  You know the racism has to flow pretty thick before it comes to that.

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David F

Jeb! The Donald! Notes from the Clown Car

Notes from the Republican clown car... or as they like to think of it, presidential campaign. Jeb Bush has been running for the office ever since he noticed that his brother W (for "Worst-ever") did not actually get indicted for treason.  But he's afraid that people…

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