#NoParody (74)

David F

When Reality Can No Longer be Parodied

When the reality of the trainwreck that is our rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth Republican party becomes too much to bear, the parodists become the newswriters. Take a minute and watch this ad for Mississippi tourism (which might as well apply to any of the old CSA): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqASSN5S2CI…

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David F


This is a clip from All in the Family. It was intended to be a parody. Now it just sounds like a typical American "conservative." I will probably get G+ comments agreeing with Archie. https://youtu.be/-lDb0Dn8OXE

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David F

Pre-Crime Goes Live

Nope, we're not talking about "The Minority Report", the superb Phillip K Dick story, nor Minority Report the not-so-bad Tom Cruise film, nor even Minority Report, the aggressively adequate TV series. No, we now have police departments around the country who claim with a straight…

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David F

USDA Declares Humans Invasive Species

According to a new report released by the US Department of Agriculture, Homo sapiens (common name, "Human") is an invasive species that is greatly endangering the indigenous wildlife and ecology of the North American continent. Unlike indigenous species, invasive species did not evolve in the…

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