#NoParody (74)

David F


Parody is not dead but it sure is having a rough year. When a straight-up retelling of actual events reads like over-the-top political satire, what is a parodist to do? Example: Is that from the imagination of a cartoonist looking to lampoon? Or the field…

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David F

Is The Onion Now a Paper of Record?

I have pointed this out with cartoons such as Tom Tomorrow. When you report plain facts and it reads the same as absurd satire, you have challenges as a parodist or satirist that you did not anticipate when you entered the trade. If you think…

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David F

When Parody Becomes Impossible

Tom Tomorrow is one of those cartoonists who struggle mightily to parody Trump. It just never works very well. It's not TT's fault, however: Trump's straight-on reality reads like such an over-the-top parody that actual parody could never have credibility enough to be readable. This…

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David F

Clowning Around with Fire

Trump's proposed choices for cabinet are so ludicrous you have to think they're parody. Intentional, maybe? Jerry Falwell Jr., a science denying, young-earth creationist, for Education? Jeff Sessions, whose only issue with the KKK is their pot-smoking, for AG? Ben Carson, arguably the world's stupidest…

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David F

Not, you know, a joke

Tom Tomorrow tweeted on Friday, https://twitter.com/tomtomorrow/status/794505864103292929 I could have told him this at least a year ago, as I have been saying since Trump started showing up on news sources that are not E! and TMZ. When parody cartoons accomplish their mission and land their jokes…

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