neoconfederacy (16)

David F

Why So Many? Follow the Money!

Former NY governor George Pataki is expected to announce his 2016 presidential bid tomorrow.  His governorship added depth and nuance to the word "bland," and his presidential platform is just as inspiring.  The usual mix of sops to big money and careful dog-whistles to bigots…

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David F

Government Provolone

Republicans blame the poor for being poor.  After creating income inequality unprecedented outside of feudal societies, the Wisconsin GOP legislature wants to institute a bunch of restrictions on what people can buy with their food assistance. No fresh Mozz for teh poors!  That's what you…

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David F

Bobby Jindal Better Be Careful What He Wishes For

Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, wants to be sure that we understand: bigotry and appeals to the lowest common denominator are the rock-solid foundation of his political career. In a NY Times Op-Ed he wanted those Commie, atheistic, libtard corporations like Cummins Engine to know…

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David F

Not meant to offend

A Knoxville, TN church put up this sign and then had the temerity to be shocked that someone would take it the wrong way. In the news story Andy Henry was quoted as saying, "It's clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community…

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