neoconfederacy (16)

David F

States' Rights, My Ass

Did you know that the War of Northern Aggression (I picture an invading horde of angry Swedes but that's just me) was a nefarious attempt by the Federals to snuff out the rights of the States? Nothing whatsoever to do with slavery; that must just…

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David F

Good Slave-Owners

A little bit of a disturbing story by Margaret Biser on Vox about her experiences as a tour guide on a former slave-owning plantation. Even visitors to a plantation famous for how slaves built it and operated it don't want to hear about how slavery was not…

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David F

Dumping the Flag, Keeping the Racism

Politicians and retailers are tripping over one another to dissociate themselves from the Confederate battle flag, the Stars & Bars. The logic seems to go like this: I will freely admit, I also fell into this trap. The Stars & Bars is one of the…

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David F

The Flags of White Power

The NY Times Headline says,  Dylann Roof, Suspect in Charleston Shooting, Flew the Flags of White Power.  As if this is news.  Tut, tut.  Where could he have learned that? Well, here's the picture of the State Capitol of South Carolina: As all other flags…

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David F


There can be no doubt that the Republicans and the conservative movement in the US are waging war on the humanities. There are actually solid reasons, from their point of view, for the GOP to oppose education in the humanities.  Not for nothing is it called…

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