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David F

Furnishing the New Home

Welcome to the new home of this blog; I'm glad you found your way here. There's work to do yet setting up all the features exactly as I want, but I think it's close enough to ready to take it out for a spin and…

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David F

technology heads-up

Over the long holiday weekend, I hope to be moving the blog from here to a dedicated domain, powered by WordPress. I will post in parallel for a few cycles to make sure all is well.  All my G+ echoes will be shifted to point…

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David F

No Post Today. Just Post-It Notes.

I can't write a blog post today so here is the text of a collection  of Post-It Notes I found laying around the old bloggery. Yes, President Obama said “nigger” during an interview  this week.  The word exists and people (obviously) still do not understand…

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David F

One Foot in Front of the Other

When I started this blog I committed originally to writing something on it every day.  I also said that some days it might just be pictures of my cats.  OK, there was a picture of my "main" cat on yesterday's entry but I think that…

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David F

"Stuff" Religious People Say

It all began from this meme, originally shared by +Al Acton via +Dezzi The Humanist. I thought I would do a count-down style list of reactions to these things. Part way through, someone told me about her experience with one item not on the list and…

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