Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Stupidity Burns

I have long asserted that the apparent stupidity of Rethuglicans is wilful and malicious. If you saw Pumpkin turn his daily COVID-19 hour of lies ("press briefing" LOL) into a commercial for My Pillow today, you now know what I mean. But even more seriously:…

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David F

What Are the Rethuglicans Up To?

While we are getting sick faster than anywhere else in the world? Other than holding daily press briefings - I mean - lying contests? Behold, and weep: And... designed as it was to preserve chattel slavery, the Electoral College will probably once again combine with…

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David F

Why Bother.

I mean, I'll vote (for Bernie!) in the NY Primary if they even let us. But really, once they realized that letting everyone vote might mean the elites didn't just get to pick their favorites, they started f*ing with it. See: 2016. Never be deceived…

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David F

Census Time

We did our census form this week. The census has been subject to a lot of shenanigans over the course of our history, but nothing compares to the feats of gerrymandering that this Rethuglican government will layer onto it if they keep control after this…

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