Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


Pumpkin held a rally for the Senate campaign in Georgia last night. Here's a photo of the scene. You just know that every one of these maskless idiots was in a family gathering for Thanksgiving a week ago. Based on the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment…

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David F

This Is Real Life

I found this a while ago. Blogging it for the first time. I give up nothing to anyone in my love of Queen, but I have been to a concert (with Freddie!) and seen many films, and I have never seen them attempt the operatic…

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David F

Folk Theories

People have some interesting ideas about how this all works. Magical thinking has also told these same morons that if they only traveled for The Holidays (magic!) and only saw Family and Close Friends (more magic! Just consult The Hallmark Channel!), they would be immune…

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David F

Jeff is Listening

There is no reason whatsoever to assume that "smart devices" with microphones are not listening and analyzing everything they can hear 100% of the time. There is no reason to assume that the mute button does anything other than turn on an LED. There's a…

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David F

Black Friday Specials!

Super Sale! One low price for everything! Plus: Not just free as in beer! Free as in Freedom. Not to mention, software that is constantly being inspected by a community at the source level will tend to be more secure, and will always get its…

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