Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

More About Ingress (long)

UPDATED August 1, 2015 for SoftBank Ultra-Links In my first post about Ingress, I introduced the basic principles of the game and I surveyed what I think a novice player needs to know about hacking portals and deploying resonators. Today I will continue with a discussion of…

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David F

Internet Speeds

This is my SpeedTest.Net result at 7AM today: I am paying Time-Warner for 50MB download and 5MB upload.  I should be getting that at 7AM, of all times, no?  That C+ grade must be on a curve.  By the way, the 39ms ping is a…

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David F

X minds discuss Y

A quote that floats around the Internet from time to time goes, Now from time to time you see quotes on the Internet attributed to people that you wish said them, but alas they did not. For example, Abraham Lincoln did not really say, "Do…

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David F

Not meant to offend

A Knoxville, TN church put up this sign and then had the temerity to be shocked that someone would take it the wrong way. In the news story Andy Henry was quoted as saying, "It's clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community…

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