Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Getting Ready to Present

Every month at my office, I hold an informal Lunch & Learn.  I take the opportunity to enlighten any of my colleagues who want to listen about some topic related to Information Security.  This is available to anyone in our IT operation who's interested, anywhere…

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David F

Movie Plot Threats

Bruce Schneier runs this annual contest called the Movie Plot Threat contest.  The idea is to poke fun at the way a lot of "security" is done, where instead of reducing real components of vulnerability like attack surface or complexity, people concoct insanely specific scenarios…

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David F

Well, that settles that!

I have always been slightly unnerved when I go to a strange bathroom and the paper is mounted on the roll in the wrong orientation.  Some people say, it's just a matter of preference - there is no right or wrong way.  Hah!, I say…

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David F

IT War Stories

Having worked in IT for over 36 years, I have a lot of war stories.  I suppose every profession does.  We tell these at lunches and over drinks after work, to reassure one another that our experience means something.  I don't know why we need…

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David F

Humanity-Demeaning Activities

So now we know what it takes for a church to lose its tax-exempt status. The place sounds, in the coverage anyway, more like a strip club than any conventional idea of a house of worship.  But think about it this way: since a religion…

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