Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Ann Coulter - Prankster

There's simply no way Ann Coulter truly, sincerely believes all the insane garbage she spews.  It has to be some kind of massive prank, or a bet, or a bizarre tontine of... ludicrous hateful statements, maybe? Anyway the latest flood of her verbal sewage suggests that…

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David F

Wear Orange!

Today is National Gun Violence Awareness Day.  I am wearing orange to mark it. The NRA promotes gun ownership and "open carry" idiocy as a response to what it calls "culture war."  Make no mistake, what it means by "culture war" is: non-whites. Watch this…

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David F

Community Policing

John Perry Barlow recently tweeted this picture. When I was a kid, I was taught that if I was in any kind of trouble out there, the best sight I could hope to see would be a policeman. But the experience of black kids my age…

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David F

This is Not a Post

Despite my having committed to write something here every day, some days there just doesn't seem to be anything to write. There are topics like the Republicans' hilarious response to the Texas flooding, and the way President Obama must be smiling quietly to himself as…

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