Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Betty Explains Religious Freedom

Religious freedom: Only for privileged religions, if you follow the Christian conservative rhetoric in the USA.  Here, the privileged religion is Christianity.  Over in most of the Middle East, it's Islam. They have more in common than you'd think, and could benefit well from comparing…

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David F

When to Snopes

At least three or four times a week, I respond to someone's social media posting with a link to an article on www.snopes.com .  Yes, I am that guy.  Snopes is the single best site I know for debunking urban legends - those compelling, seemingly relevant…

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David F

Grift American Style

If you still don't believe the Republican candidates are all about the Benjamins, think on this piece from a couple months ago in Salon. It turns on the Mike Huckabee kerfuffle in March where he was endorsing and selling his "good name" on behalf of…

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David F

Why So Many? Follow the Money!

Former NY governor George Pataki is expected to announce his 2016 presidential bid tomorrow.  His governorship added depth and nuance to the word "bland," and his presidential platform is just as inspiring.  The usual mix of sops to big money and careful dog-whistles to bigots…

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David F

Do you own your car?

Or does GM? I'm not referring here to leasing vs. buying. I am referring to the fact that GM has recently declared that only mechanics they license are allowed to work on "your" car. And if you take it to another mechanic, or use less-expensive…

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