Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Rambling Sunday Post about Exercise

Exercise is better to me when I'm actually accomplishing something as I work out.  A real bicycle on the roads is far better than an exercycle.  Running or walking around the city is far better than a treadmill.  Actually going up the steps to my…

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David F

The Last Marriage Rally?

We attended the rally/celebration yesterday to celebrate the excellent outcome of Obergefell v. Hodges, confirming that the 14th Amendment's guarantee of equal protection under the law does indeed include LGBTQ people. It would be easy to say, well, look at us 61 years after Brown…

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David F

Dumping the Flag, Keeping the Racism

Politicians and retailers are tripping over one another to dissociate themselves from the Confederate battle flag, the Stars & Bars. The logic seems to go like this: I will freely admit, I also fell into this trap. The Stars & Bars is one of the…

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David F

What if all consent worked like this?

The everydayfeminism blog imagines, what if all consent worked the way rape culture assumes sexual consent works? Here's an example: But go -- read the whole darn thing. Men (and yes, it's primarily, almost exclusively men) who take the liberties described in this series of illustrations need…

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David F

The Business Model of NSA Apologists

Mark Felt, in his Deep Throat incarnation, told Woodward, "follow the money."  Woodward paid attention to this should-be-obvious advice and the Nixon presidency was cooked. Today, the biggest inside-out rot comes from the NSA, the CIA, and their unlimited surveillance feeding codependency with paranoia about…

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