Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

No Post Today. Just Post-It Notes.

I can't write a blog post today so here is the text of a collection  of Post-It Notes I found laying around the old bloggery. Yes, President Obama said “nigger” during an interview  this week.  The word exists and people (obviously) still do not understand…

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David F

In Touch with Reality

+Citizens Fed Up posted this meme, and asked, "How can these Republican Candidates be so out of touch with reality??" The answer is, they are not out of touch with reality.  They are in touch with this reality: their only remaining constituency (not counting billionaires and…

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David F

Facepalm #56,751,331

From today's NY Times headlines email: NATHANIEL P. HITT, a fisheries biologist, on religion's role in addressing climate change. How many ways does a biologist manage to get THIS wrong?  I am going to point to just two. Climate change is nothing but a question…

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David F

Hecies and Shecies

Once again, a bit o'genius from  Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal No doubt this piece was inspired at least in part by the current phenomenon called, "Men Going Their Own Way" (just Google MGTOW  if you have time for a cry).  This is an outgrowth of…

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David F

The Flags of White Power

The NY Times Headline says,  Dylann Roof, Suspect in Charleston Shooting, Flew the Flags of White Power.  As if this is news.  Tut, tut.  Where could he have learned that? Well, here's the picture of the State Capitol of South Carolina: As all other flags…

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