Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Feeling the Bern Yet?

So here's coverage of a rally for Sanders in Madison, WI They booked an indoor arena that seats 10,000. Once it was full they pumped the audio to the standees outside, who may have been as many as 3,000 more. Once it was full.  Compare…

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David F

technology heads-up

Over the long holiday weekend, I hope to be moving the blog from here to a dedicated domain, powered by WordPress. I will post in parallel for a few cycles to make sure all is well.  All my G+ echoes will be shifted to point…

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David F

Why Conservatives REALLY Hate Marriage Equality

During the whole debate and the progress of the various legal cases, conservatives argued incessantly that gay marriage would damage if not destroy straight marriage. Obviously this is not true, but unless we assume that they are all drooling morons, why would they keep saying…

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David F

Law of the Land?

A Supreme Court decision is the Law of the Land, unless Christian bigots dislike what the court says. The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, probably doesn't really give a damn who marries whom.  But he's no stranger to what works in Texas politics, and…

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David F

DBAs take on Marriage Equality, or The Y2Gay Problem

A geekily-hilarious but also serious treatment of one of the least bigoted objections to the Marriage Equality decision of last Friday: the database administrators of the world now have hell to pay. Excerpt: humans- id- forename- surname- birthdate- sex_id (foreign key references column sexes)marriages- id-…

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