Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


The first thing you notice is, a NO PARKING strip adjacent to a rectangle of sidewalk painted green. There are bike parking stanchions, but cars can't park there until you get to the green painted part. It turns out that there's sort of a parklet in…

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David F

The President is Tired of this Shit

Take a look at this piece in GOOD Magazine for the numbers that Pres. Obama mentioned about terrorist attack deaths vs. gun violence deaths. The ratio is 1000:1 -- and not in favor of the terrorists. The President might be serious this time. He seems to be…

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David F

Armed and Stapling

Another cop shot another unarmed person. This may well have been a "suicide by cop" but the "weapon" that the newly-dead Dominic Fuller waved at the police was... a stapler. It may well be arguable that the police officer's response was... reasonable, if things were moving…

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David F


Downtown Rochester is in a lot of flux right now, and a study in contrasts. On one hand you have Midtown. The apartments are new and shiny and all that but I seriously don't know who they are going to find in Rochester to live…

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