
Downtown Rochester is in a lot of flux right now, and a study in contrasts. On one hand you have Midtown.  The apartments are new and shiny and all that but I seriously don't know who they are going to find in Rochester to live in a >$4,000/mo. apartment.  Those would be a stone bargain, of course, in Chicago.

On the other hand, this guy is trying to fix up 35 St. Mary's Place -- only three blocks from Midtown -- and it collapses while being worked on.  He was trying to make something usable in the 21st century that still honors Rochester's 19th century roots.

Now he might have to tear it down and let some shiny thing in its place.  (click through the picture for more about that)

photo by Jill Frier
photo by Jill Frier

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F