Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Swiss Chocolate

Watching Chopped (S18E9), and the competition theme is, chocolate in every basket. And whaddaya know, one of the competing chefs is Swiss. He runs a business called "Sex on the Table" in which he teaches the aphrodisiac properties of different kinds of food. (Aphrodisiacs, of course,…

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David F

The Honesty is Refreshing

I love when they just come out and admit it. The Right Wing Nut Jobs do not really care about abortion. And they damn sure don't care about babies, especially once those babies are born. They simply hate and fear that women can enjoy sex…

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David F

My "Official" Desktop Timewaster

Level 11, when things begin to get interesting. My favorite desktop time-waster* is the supremely simple Taberinos. With gameplay simple enough to be taught to you by a succession of six on-screen message bubbles, each of twelve words or fewer. Beside the simplicity of the…

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David F

Jamokes are Jamokes

So this week, a 79-year old birder was confronted by one of the heavily armed, idiot jamokes occupying a public wildlife refuge in Oregon. Good thing the guy didn't just open fire -- someone might have gotten a peek at the burrowing owls! But instead he walked up…

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