Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Breach Fatigue

Photo: Threatpost So: you get a letter or email telling you some of your personal data has been handled carelessly by yet another provider, and squirted into the darknet. Yours and 112 million others'. How do you feel when you see that? Are you enveloped…

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David F


Throw enough predictions against a wall and some will stick, right? Still, this description of social media through the Burroughs lens is a little eerie: from The Soft Machine by William Burroughs (1914-1997), ed. Oliver Harris, 2014. via BoingBoing

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David F

Decoding "Make America Great Again"

Great piece in The Raw Story: "Racist ex-Trump delegate decodes ‘Make America Great Again’: White men wish it was still 1955" I know, right? It sounds like it has to be a parody of something. Father Knows Best or Leave it to Beaver? But this…

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David F

Questions for my Answers

Henry Kissinger once opened a press conference by saying, Well, you can't say he wasn't prepared. But he was also clearly holding that press conference just for show. I think we can trust that if a question did not suit one of the prepared answers, it was…

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