Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

10 Things to Make Every Trump Supporter Defend

Anyone who tells you they think Trump should become President should be able to defend these ten things Trump advocates (or did, but stopped when the waves of disgust ran too high). Banning Muslims from entering the country. A wall shutting out Mexicans (gangs! rapists!). Advocating war…

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David F

Trump Chickens Out

Trump folds his hand . . . he will not, after all, debate Sanders. Shock waves of surprise spread across the land. oh... wait... no they don't. He won't. The shriveled core of a human mind that guides all Trump's actions knows that he would be…

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David F

Motivating the Base

http://christiannightmares.tumblr.com/post/144911433546/kkk-quote-the-bible-in-anti-transgender-flier This was posted this week from Christian Nightmares and blogged all over. You can think of this as a good reason to despise religion, and it is, or a vast misrepresentation of what Trans* really is, and it is that too. But it's also…

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David F

Sanders - Trump: Must-See TV

This is not comedy. Comedy is being outstripped by reality. So Trump and Sanders will debate? I would definitely watch that. But here are some random thoughts about it. I doubt any Sanders supporters can be flipped to Trump, or vice-versa. Debates, no matter against…

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David F

Something Stupid

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoSbnAFvqfA But wait, there's more! The intro to this version -- sung by the kids -- is priceless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqWZoL_luxo Other than that, this will teach you think my blog entry titles are all metaphorical!

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