Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

Trump Spits on Veterans

Trump to Vets: Fuck you, you pussies! Presidential Candidate from Bizarro Universe Donald J Trump spit on all veterans today, when he said that succumbing to the battlefield scarring of the psyche that results in what we now call PTSD was an indicator of weakness. Among…

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David F

What's the Over/Under

Trump in 1999, possibly not committing another felony. Photo: Newsweek.com It's clear by now that even documented evidence of felonies is not enough to shut down the Trump campaign. And if there's any thing he's good at, it's creating clouds of lawyerly obfuscation to make sure…

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David F

Shout Out to BoingBoing

BoingBoing is one of my chief inspirations for being a blogger. I read it every day, even though some days that's like drinking from a fire hose. But I always find a few great bits. https://youtu.be/QGvShZbInkc If you have a feed reader, add BoingBoing. And…

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David F

It's Sad That This Is Necessary

https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-let-localhost-be-localhost-02 Abstract This document updates RFC6761 by requiring that the domain "localhost." and any names falling within ".localhost." resolve to loopback addresses. This would allow other specifications to join regular users in drawing the common-sense conclusions that "localhost" means "localhost", and doesn't resolve to somewhere…

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