Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

"When You See It" Jokes

Some punchlines land well because of the delay in your brain figuring out, "what the heck just happened here?" If you really want to make a designer cry, wear this to their party I don't understand all the hate for Comic Sans, and I don't…

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David F

Not-Pology Level: Master

CNN has a great wrap-up of the tale of the Trump tape where he admitted to sexual assault, and owned up to the fact that he could get away with it thanks to his wealth and celebrity. Then, he issues an "apology" that beggars belief…

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David F

OK, Cubs. No Pressure.

No World Series win since 1908. Not even an appearance since 1945. Theo Epstein, one of the authors of the Boston Red Sox jailbreak from the Curse of the Babe in 2004, is at the head of the only remaining baseball team still facing such…

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David F

Oops. Missed.

It took 20 months, but I missed a day. When I started writing this blog I committed to posting something every day. Yesterday I blew it, and I apologize. I didn't even get a picture of my cats online.

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David F

Orioles in the Playoffs!

Having your team in the wild card playoff is like Christmas Morning. Only... instead of getting to open all your presents, you get to open one. If it's not a dud, then you get to open maybe five more... unless you find three duds. If…

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