Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F


I am changing employer soon. Really doing the same kind of work, but in a new role with greater responsibility and some interesting challenges. Someone attributed the fact that I look "way too happy" to the fact that I am now, officially a "short-timer." I…

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David F


Who is the greatest living singer-songwriter? David Crosby, something of an authority on the topic, says, https://youtu.be/Z4GqB1t4PBA We saw her in concert here together with Dylan about ten years ago, and she was irascible. Maybe not the best presentation. But she's entitled to have people sit…

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David F

Death by Powerpoint

I am really trying not to kill anyone.   In the past I have been plenty guilty of making some of the "what not to do" examples. Not the worst, by far, but enough so that I felt guilty when I saw them. (Slide 36…

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David F


This tweet seems to define all the conversation I have had, or observed, when it comes to policing in this country: It does good police officers and departments no favors to rope them together with those whose mission is the enforcement of racist policies and the feeding…

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