
Who is the greatest living singer-songwriter?  David Crosby, something of an authority on the topic, says,

I don't think there's any question that when they look back in 100 years, they'll say she was the best of us. It's her or Bob [Dylan], and Bob can't sing! I think she's our greatest living songwriter.
She is working now on regaining her health, following a brain aneurysm in 2015.   This clip from 1972 makes me marvel at how flawlessly she could reel off a live performance of a really intricate melody:

We saw her in concert here together with Dylan about ten years ago, and she was irascible.  Maybe not the best presentation.  But she's entitled to have people sit the heck down and listen when she sings.

Dylan was very good that night, too.  In retrospect, that was probably one of the two  or three best concerts I have ever attended.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F