Kahomono - Still Lucky After All These Years

Random musings on whatever catches my attention that day

David F

The Force was With Them!

I suppose this shall fly until April now. There were a lot of bleary-eyed people out and about today. My first random musing is, I have never heard of a 17 minute rain delay. That's insane. Barely enough time to unroll the tarps and then…

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David F

Smackwater Jack

I listened to Tapestry today. While I would not say it's my favorite, I always look forward to this cut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FQmIwqahSE My favorite track, by the way, is the title track. But this is a zippy little tune, and fun to sing along with. For…

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David F

The Wall

(No, not this one. Sorry, Pink Floyd fans.) https://youtu.be/sIe9p7tslpg This is a very high-speed flyover of that border wall the Donald says he will build on Mexico's dime. There is no better argument for the urgency of upgrading this country's educational system than the fact…

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