The Force was With Them!

I suppose this shall fly until April now.

There were a lot of bleary-eyed people out and about today.

My first random musing is, I have never heard of a 17 minute rain delay.  That's insane.  Barely enough time to unroll the tarps and then roll them back up?  I haven't read much analysis of this aspect.  But I am guessing -- only guessing -- that the commish, right there in the stands, said to the crew chief something kinda like,

Rain delay?  NOW???  Oh, HELLZ no!

But that gave the Cubs time to huddle and get reminded that all they had done was, moved into a tie.  They were not behind, so no need to come from there.  It was like a clean slate.  They just had to go out and win one inning.  And that is exactly what they did.  In a sense, the final score was simply, 2-1.

Finally - have you ever noticed how all the most graceful and athletic plays in baseball look like the players are Jedi, using The Force?

The Force was with them!
The Force was with them!

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F