This Week in America

On Monday, Pumpkin turned the Boy Scout Jamboree into a fascist rally.  He made them boo Obama.  Now, the Boy Scouts remain unrepentant from their discrimination against LGBTQ Americans, but even those scumbags apologized for what they let Pumpkin do at their event.

On Tuesday John McCain came back to work from his brain cancer treatments, apparently to advance the odious goal of repealing the crappy half-measure we have for health care.  I gave him a hard time about this.  More about this below.

On Wednesday night, Anthony "Mooch" Scaramucci the Pumpkin administration's new communications director did some communicatin'!

O.K., I’m going to fire every one of them, and then you haven’t protected anybody, so the entire place will be fired over the next two weeks.

On Thursday, McCain's game became clear.  He was actually on the right side, for once!  He was instrumental in getting the Senate health care atrocities to a vote, so that he could be instrumental in voting them all down.  Seldom have I been so pleased to be wrong, as I was about McCain.  Of course, what will happen next is, Pumpkin and Mooch will lie about this to their base dupes, and things will continue right down the poop-chute.

On Friday, Mooch made good on one promise, he fired Reince Priebus.  Well, nominally the Pumpkin did that, but there's no doubt where it came from.

What a week.  Who's ready for the weekend?

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F