Have a Chill

Have a chill #Caturday, like Alice here.

We're having a chill... and chili.  Here, have a recipe.

Main Ingredients: 6 lbs ground beef 2 large onions 4 28-oz. cans of crushed or diced tomatoes 1 Jalapeno or Habanero pepper 1/4 C. corn starch 1/2 C. lukewarm water

Spice Mixture: 8 parts Cumin 3 parts Black Pepper 3 parts Cayenne Pepper 3 parts Garlic Powder 2 parts Oregano 1 part Allspice 1 part Ginger

Brown thoroughly and drain the ground beef. Place in a stew-pot. Dice the onions and sauté until translucent. Add to pot. Add the tomatoes. Chop the hot pepper after discarding the seeds & membrane, add to pot.

While stirring, slowly add spice mixture. Simmer on very low heat for at least three hours. Stir occasionally.

Mix a thin paste from the corn starch and water. Stir this in to thicken up the broth 10-15 minutes before serving.

Using teaspoons as the parts for the spice mixture gives a recipe this size a medium bite, maybe a little on the mild side. Vary the quantity to taste; the proportion is what's important.

Serves 12 to 15. Freezes well.

This article was updated on May 9, 2023

David F